It wasn’t so long ago that businesses were utterly reliant on landline telephones for the majority of their business’s communications and operations, but as technology has progressed and developed over the years, that’s clearly no longer the case. Now, businesses operate over great distances, often internationally, and that means that there is an increasing need for affordable approaches to communication, in particular. One option that you might want to consider is a VOIP phone system – a technological marvel that is used by all manner of businesses nowadays. At Melbourne's Best Business Coach, we’ve got the knowledge and the expertise to help you with the integration of a VOIP phone system into your business, and you might be surprised at what a large difference this type of phone system can make. Below, we’ll run through some of the details regarding exactly what a VOIP phone system is, as well as why you might want to make use of it.


What are VOIP Phone Systems?

First things first, what exactly is a VOIP phone system? VOIP stands for ‘voice over internet protocol’, which essentially means that you’re able to make voice calls over the internet, rather than a landline connection or a mobile network. You might have heard VOIP phone systems referred to as a broadband phone service or an IP telephony. Many popular platforms use VOIP technology – such as Facebook, Skype, and WhatsApp – so the likelihood is that you’ll have used this kind of technology at one time or another. There are some notable advantages to using a VOIP phone system rather than a landline or mobile network. S


Types of VOIP

It’s worth remembering that VOIP phone systems come in more than one form. Really, VOIP phone systems are a broad category of communication infrastructure. The majority of VOIP phone systems fall into a few categories: integrated access, session initial protocol (SIP), and hosted IP PBX. Integrated access essentially lets businesses use typical phone hardware with superior VOIP service. It doesn’t require additional hardware. Session initial protocol allows you to only pay for minutes used, which is a considerable cost-cutter for businesses. Hosted IP PBX (private branch exchange) is a popular form of VOIP phone system where vendors provide a private branch exchange. Vendors provide these services, paid for by businesses, but they also maintain all required hardware. Each of them are excellent choices that we can help you integrate.


Lower Costs

One of the benefits of a VOIP phone system is the lower cost associated with the infrastructure. PC-to-PC calls are totally free, and any costs to a phone are likely to be much less expensive than using conventional methods. If you want to save your business some serious cash, this is something that bears real consideration.


Quality Performance

There’s no doubt that the implementation of VOIP technology into your business is going to have a marked impact on the quality of your communications with other branches and offices, business associates, and customers. Clearer communication is always appreciated by other parties, and the additional functionality that is available only with VOIP technology means this is a clear winner over a classic landline.

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